Lindsay Lohan to Speak at Harvard Graduation MUST be an April Fools

It must be a joke because c'mon...really?  

Lindsay jumped on Instagram to say, 'Harvard Law has asked me to speak at their graduation commencement ceremony and I'm really really honored and I couldn't be happier'.

As she panned to a red Harvard hoodie on the couch, Lohan smiled and exclaimed: 'Officially Harvard... Thank you for the help!' Now let's all take a moment to remember that Lindsay Lohan is one of those celebrities that we've all hoped would make a comeback and deal with her demons but she has not. We also don't want to say (actually yes we do) made a ridiculous decision making her their spokesperson but I think we all know the quality of person Lindsay is and with that said Harvard with never have her actually come and give their students advice so let's be clear that this is a an April Fools joke. 

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