Tina's Weekend in Five-ish Photos 11/16 - 11/18

It's beginning to feel a lot like - hypothermia

Seriously, why is it so cold?

Friday 11/16 -

Real exciting stuff here people. Friday night I stayed in and watched the new, bad Christmas movie on Netflix.

It was exactly what you'd expect.  

Saturday 11/17 -

I had my first dance competition of the season! This is Ellen, she coaches with me and is my other half/partner in lyfe.

Saturday afternoon I made my Christmas pots! These go on my parents front steps & I make them every year! It's a lot of fun actually and I get to be creative. This year I went for a red vibe.

I'm about it.

Sunday 11/18 -

Sunday morning I had my weekly Facetime with Harrison.

This photo was taken right after I realized I had rice stuck in my hair from dinner the previous evening...

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