Dave's Weekend in Five Pictures: It's a Major Award!

Even though the weather wasn't the best this weekend, I hope you had a good one! Mine was pretty much built around a speech I gave on Saturday, and being honored by Toastmasters. I did a lot of other things too, including a 5.3 mile walk and watching one of the worst movies since "Norm of the North" called "Serenity" with Matthew McConaughey.

Here's my weekend in five pictures!

Saturday afternoon I was awarded Toastmasters Communication and Leadership Award for promoting Toastmasters and encouraging people to be their best self. It truly was an honor and I really appreciate the recognition! That's my buddy, Ben Smith, who is the District 106 Director, meaning he oversees dozens of Toastmasters clubs in Minnesota.

I spoke for 20 minutes on the value of learning how to speak more effectively and without the nerves most of us get. Toastmasters is a bad name for SUCH a great organization. If you want to get ahead and impress people with your speaking and presenting skills, there's no other organization like Toastmasters. I went from being nervous to speak at high school career days to loving speaking in public. Find out more at this link!

My backyard on Saturday. See that big thing the squirrel is standing on? That's supposed to keep squirrels like him from climbing up the feeder and stealing bird seed. But obviously he figured a way to get around it.

We hadn't been to the Mall of America in a very long time so Saturday, we drove out and did some shopping and got some snacks and had a great time. Who doesn't love MOA? That's Carson and me at Lego Land.

Sunday night, I went down to the radio station to record a podcast with Rachel. Her life was going great until two days after Christmas when she was 18. Hear what happened, her other struggles and how she's found a way to cope. It's on my podcast, Take a Shower, Show Up on Time and Don't Steal Anything.

Here's a link. If it doesn't work for you, I'll have a better one up Monday morning.

Have a great week and THANKS for looking at my blog!


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