Dave's Ukulele Club! Learn to Play January 15th

WHAT: Dave's Ukulele Club

WHY: To learn the basics of playing ukulele and to have fun!

WHERE: KDWB Studios, 1600 Utica Avenue South

WHEN: January 15, 7:00 - 8:30pm

WHO: Anyone who wants to learn to play! AGES 12 AND UP.

HOW: Sign up here!

Did you get a ukulele for Christmas? Maybe you have one and have never quite learned to play? Or maybe you wanna run out and buy one and join us?

Don't have a uke? Here's a link to a bunch you can order online. Tip: If you're a beginner, you don't need to spend more than $50 on one and a plastic one is perfectly acceptable! Buy local at Schmitt Music or Groth Music.

I'm not an expert cuz I've only been playing for a year and a half but I LOVE it and I can teach you some easy, basic chords, how to hold the uke and how to strum.

And the best part? We'll make music!

Don't worry, I'm bringing the sheet music! Just bring your uke and a music stand if you have one.

Bring a friend! Sign up here! (Please don't be tempted to sign up first, then think about whether you really want to come, as space is limited!)

See you on January 15 at 7pm at the KDWB Studios, 1600 Utica Ave. South. I'll meet you in the lobby near Continental Diamonds.

Questions: Email me at daveryan@kdwb.com

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