Visit a Minnesota Gas Station Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright

Famed Architect Frank Lloyd Wright's influence is known around the world, but did you know that you can see a piece of his vision for the future in Cloquet, MN. Wright is known as a visionary architect that was born in Wisconsin but whose influence can be seen as far away as Japan. If a day long plane ride across the globe doesn't sound appealing, good news, a stunning amount of his work is located in Minnesota.

In Minnesota alone stand 13 creative structures designed by the man whose influence is still celebrated to this day. You can see some of the homes, built in the early 1900s in cities around Minnesota but a single gas station in Cloquet, MN is a wonderful representation of Wright's vision for the future.

The Lindholm Service Station in Cloquet is the only Wright-designed structure built as part of his plan for what he believed was the future of urban development. The two-story gas station was meant to be a hub for the community because Wright believed that he could turn a traditionally unattractive building into a social hub. Wright envisioned the copper-roofed, two-story building to be more than just a place to get gas but a location for a community to gather.

Frank Lloyd Wright's vision and aesthetic choices have influenced multiple generations and while Lindholm Service Station is one of a kind, it just proves that Frank Lloyd Wright's vision for the future is still very possible.

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