People Are Talking About the Weirdest Dating Requirements They Have

Someone on social media recently started a topic about the "weirdest dating requirements you have" and it went viral. Here are the highlights:


1. They have to like frogs. At least a little.


2. They have to snore "because snoring is so cute."


3. They can't have a gym pic or dog "because I don't want to get up on a weekend morning with a hangover and need to do stuff."


4. Not having the same name as a close family member, like a mom, dad, or sibling. Or kid, I guess if you're a single parent.


5. They can't eat the last pickle, and put the empty jar back in the fridge.


6. No flip-flops on dudes.


7. No backward hat-wearing guys OR girls.


8. My rule is: I pay for myself every step of the way until we decide to become a couple then we can split the bills, or whatever we choose.


9. No fishing pics on your profile "I love fishing, but if one of your main photos shows you holding a fish, then you're super basic to me."


10. They have to be able to cook, even if it's just quick and easy meals "It's okay to be lazy and order takeout, but for every meal? Huge red flag."


11. No picky eaters "You don't have to be a foodie, but I like to cook, and if you won't give my food a chance, it's not gonna work out."


12. They can't use the phrase, "Work hard, play hard."


13. No politics "It's good to care, it's good to have opinions, and it's good to vote but if your political party is a part of your identity, it's a hard no."


14. No obsession with cryptocurrency.


15. No vanity license plates.


16. There's always the "no cat people" crowd, but one person said: No horse people "It's always very important to them, and I'm too scared of horses to be supportive." 




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